Solar System

Which Charge Controller is Right for You: MPPT or PWM?

Which Charge Controller is Right for You: MPPT or PWM?

In the market, we come across inverters and solar charge controllers from different companies every day, and the technology inside them appears to be the same. You might find controllers with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) technology or MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) technology.

However, not everyone knows the difference between PWM and MPPT and which one is superior. Although both technologies have their own merits and are suitable for specific applications, if you want to explore the technology with a future-proof approach and understand which solar charge controller or inverter to choose, we discuss this in the following Article.

Which Charge Controller is Right for You: MPPT or PWM?

When it comes to solar power systems, one of the most important components is the charge controller. The charge controller is responsible for regulating the voltage and current from the solar panels to the battery bank. There are two types of charge controllers: MPPT and PWM. But which one is right for you? Let’s explore the differences.

PWM Charge Controllers

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) charge controllers are the simplest and most affordable type of charge controller. They work by periodically interrupting the charge to the battery in order to maintain a specific voltage range. PWM controllers are best suited for small solar systems with a low number of solar panels. They are also ideal for batteries that have a low charging capacity.

MPPT Charge Controllers

Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) charge controllers are more advanced and efficient than PWM charge controllers. They are able to convert the excess voltage from the solar panels into additional amperage, which results in faster charging times and greater efficiency. MPPT controllers are ideal for larger solar systems that have a high number of solar panels. They are also able to provide charging for batteries with a higher capacity.

Which One to Choose?

When deciding between an MPPT or PWM charge controller, a few factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Solar System Size: If you have a small solar system with a low number of solar panels, a PWM charge controller is sufficient. However, if you have a larger solar system with many solar panels, an MPPT charge controller is necessary.
  • Battery Capacity: PWM charge controllers are best suited for batteries with a low capacity, while MPPT charge controllers are better suited for batteries with a higher capacity.
  • Efficiency: If you want a more efficient solar system with faster charging times, an MPPT charge controller is the better option. They are able to convert excess voltage into additional amperage, resulting in greater efficiency.
  • Cost: PWM charge controllers are more affordable than MPPT charge controllers. If cost is a concern, a PWM charge controller may be the better option.

Best PWM Solar Charge Controller

If you are planning to install a solar power system, it is crucial to choose the right charge controller to ensure that your batteries are properly charged and maintained. A Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Solar Charge Controller is an affordable and reliable option for most standard solar power systems. In this post, we will discuss the best PWM Solar Charge Controllers that are available in the market today.

Smarten Savior 12/24V 50A

This is a PWM Solar charge controller that avoids deep discharge of your batteries. Depending on the battery technology, it executes regulated discharges to extend battery life. It also safeguards your solar panels.

This charge controller is compatible with all types of batteries (LA/SMF/Tubular) and can handle solar panels ranging from 1000W to 1500W. It has an easy-to-use LCD display and works with 12V/24V battery systems. The controller can handle currents of up to 50A.

Price : Rs.3300

Best MPPT Solar Charge Controller

If you’re using solar panels to power your home or business, it’s important to have a high-quality charge controller. The best type of charge controller for solar panels is an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) controller, which is able to maximize the amount of power sent to your batteries.


This controller will meet your future requirements. Even if you only need to connect two batteries, it will suffice, and if you need to connect three batteries, it will also suffice. You can even attach up to four batteries to it, which means you may connect one, two, three, or four batteries to it.

  • Its solar panel capacity increases when 12V batteries are connected to it. So you’ll have a 120 VOC and the ability to connect solar panels up to 1500 watts.
  • If you connect two batteries to it, you’ll receive a Voc of 165V and the ability to install solar panels up to 2500 watts.
  • If you connect three batteries to it, you will get a 180V VOC. It can support 3500-watt solar panels.
  • When four batteries are connected to it, it has a 210V  VOC and can support solar panels of up to 4500 watts.

So, whether you need a solar charge controller for one battery, two batteries, three batteries, or four batteries, or if you wish to install more solar panels, this controller is ideal. The ASHAPOWER official website lists the price of this controller as 18,700, but if you buy it offline through a dealer or a shop, you may be able to obtain it for a lesser price.

2.Smarten Prime+ 12/24V 50A

This solar charge controller is likewise from Smarten and belongs to the Prime series. As a result, this is a solar management unit as well. You can connect your inverter’s wire director within this, and the wires of this solar charge controller can be connected to your home’s power source. It can also be outfitted with solar panels.

You can connect the wiring of your solar panels to your batteries. Your battery will be charged using solar panels in this manner. And if power from the solar panels fails and your home is receiving power from the main supply at the same time, your home’s load will continue to run from the main supply, and the battery backup will be saved.

When both the main power supply and the solar power to your home are switched off, this solar charge controller is also of the PWM type and is suited for 1 or 2 batteries. So, if you put 12V solar panels on top of one battery, you can put up to 500 watts of solar panels on it, and if you use two batteries.

As a result, you may place up to 1000 watts of 24V solar panels on it. It has a VOC of 25V-45V at 12V and a VOC of 40V-85V at 24V. The current rating at 12V is 30 amps, and the current rating at 24V is 50 amps. On Amazon, it is now priced around $6,300. As a result, this controller is also ideal for 1 and 2 batteries.”


Ultimately, the decision between an MPPT or PWM charge controller will depend on your specific needs and preferences. A PWM charge controller may be the right choice for a small, low-capacity solar system with a limited budget. However, an MPPT charge controller will be necessary for a larger, high-capacity system that requires greater efficiency and faster charging times.

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