What is On-Grid Solar System Benefits and Price

What is On-Grid Solar System Benefits and Price

In today’s post, we will discuss in detail what an on-grid solar system is, how it works, and what benefits it offers. There are different types of on-grid solar systems, and we will delve into them. First, let’s understand how it works.

What is On-Grid Solar System

An on-grid solar system connects your grid electricity supply with the electricity generated by solar panels to power your appliances. Let’s say you have a 1 kW load in your home, and you’ve installed 1 kW solar panels on your roof.

Even though you may not get the full 1 kW power from your solar panels, let’s assume you’re receiving 700 watts of power from them. So, you’ll need an additional 300 watts, which your system will draw from the grid. Together, your 1 kW load will be satisfied.

The primary advantage is that your electricity bill decreases. However, the most significant limitation is that it cannot operate without the grid.

If your home experiences a power outage, the on-grid solar system won’t work. That’s why it’s suitable for areas where there’s a constant 24/7 electricity supply. In places with frequent power cuts, you’d require an inverter with a backup battery system. In such cases, an off-grid or hybrid system may be more suitable.

Types of on-grid solar systems

Now, let’s talk about how many types there are. Generally, you can find three types of on-grid solar systems:

1. On-Grid Solar System
2. AC Module
3. Hybrid Solar System

The first type is the standard on-grid system that we commonly install. The second type is the AC module, which is relatively new in the market. I’ve created a detailed post about AC modules, which you can check out. Besides these, there’s the hybrid system.

In a hybrid system, you get features of both on-grid and off-grid systems. However, it can be a bit costly. We typically install on-grid systems because they often come with some subsidies.

On-Grid Solar System Price In India

Although subsidies are not available in many places, if you’re thinking of installing it with the hope of getting a subsidy, you might want to reconsider. The chances of receiving subsidies are quite low. If you want to reduce your electricity bill, you can install this system without relying on subsidies.

System Size Price (After Subsidy)
1 kW 35,000 – 45,000
2 kW 70,000 – 90,000
3 kW 1,05,000 – 1,35,000
4 kW 1,40,000 – 1,80,000
5 kW 1,75,000 – 2,25,000
10 kW 3,50,000 – 4,50,000

Now, let’s compare the pricing of AC modules and standard on-grid systems. AC modules are generally more expensive. A 1 kW standard on-grid solar system for your home can cost around 35,000 to 45,000 rupees, or even less. AC modules, on the other hand, can cost around 70,000 to 80,000 rupees for a 1 kW system.

Advantages of On-Grid Solar Systems

The price difference between the two is quite significant. AC modules allow you to install just one panel and reduce your electricity bill, while standard on-grid systems require net metering, allowing you to sell excess electricity back to the grid, providing you with additional benefits.

Among the benefits of grid-connected solar systems are:

  • By generating clean, renewable energy from the sun and feeding it into the grid, they can reduce your monthly electricity expenditure.
  • Depending on your location and utility provider, you can generate money by exporting excess electricity to the grid and getting paid for it under a net metering or feed-in tariff program.
  • Since they do not require batteries or backup generators, they are less expensive to install and maintain than off-grid or hybrid solar systems.
  • By providing distributed generation and reducing transmission losses and peak demand, they can enhance the efficiency and stability of the grid.
  • By avoiding fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, they can help you reduce your carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Disadvantages of On-Grid Solar Systems

You can only use on-grid systems when your home has a constant 24/7 electricity supply. The most significant advantage of on-grid systems is that you don’t need to deal with batteries, as you do in off-grid systems. Batteries can become a hassle, as they typically last for only 2 to 3 years. Although some new lithium batteries for solar systems can last for 5 to 6 years, they are still quite expensive.

Currently, lithium batteries are not the most cost-effective option. As the price of lithium batteries decreases, they may become a better choice. Standard on-grid systems are more affordable, making them a practical option for many households.

If you’ve installed an on-grid solar system or are considering it, knowing the cost and whether you’ve received subsidies or not would be valuable information. Feel free to share your experiences and questions in the comments below, as it may help others learn more about this technology. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends.

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