Solar Panel

What is a Hydrogen Solar Panel Price in India

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Such a solar panel that will generate electricity during the day as well as at night, even without a battery, you will now be able to run all the appliances in your home easily, it will be many times ahead in terms of technology than the current solar panels. This solar panel will be able to produce electricity day and night i.e. you will get 24 hours electricity.

A solar panel that produces electricity even at night

People in the solar business talk a lot about new solar panels with this kind of technology these days, and people who follow us on social media often ask if there is such a panel. And if so, how does it work? And how long will it be on the market?

So let us discuss this today and know what is this technology after all? And how does it work?  is there going to be a panel like this? if so, how long will it take?

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First of all, is there really going to be a solar panel technology that will generate electricity in the day as well as at night?

So the answer to this question is yes, this technology is not just coming but has come. The solar panel of this technology has been prepared by a company known for making new innovations in the field of solar. This solar panel has also been demonstrated by the company in many expos. This new technology of solar panel is called hydrogen solar panel.

Solar Panel Price in India For Home

What is a Hydrogen Solar Panel?

Hydrogen solar panel is based on a new kind of technology, in this panel, the technology of solar and hydrogen has been combined. Its mechanism is very similar to some hydrogen cars. During the day, it works like a normal solar panel, but at the same time it draws water from the atmosphere and stores hydrogen in the tank. It is used to provide electricity at night.

 Why do we need a solar panel?

You need a battery bank to get a backup during the night from the currently prevalent solar panels. Battery life is much shorter than that of a solar panel. In such a situation, you have to invest on batteries every 5 to 6 years. But in this panel you will not need a battery bank.

Solid hydrogen will be used in these solar panels of new technology. As you know hydrogen can be stored for years. In such a situation, even in areas where the sun does not come out at all in any month of the year, it will continue to work well with the stored hydrogen. These solar panels can be used commercially as well as for domestic use.

How do hydrogen solar panels work?

Hydrogen solar panels are a type of solar panel that use hydrogen as a fuel to make energy. They work by using sunlight and water vapor from the air to make hydrogen gas, which can be kept or used in a fuel cell. Here’s a quick look at how they work:

  • Hydrogen solar panels have two main parts: a layer for photovoltaics (PV) and a layer for making hydrogen.
  • The PV layer is like a regular solar panel, which turns light from the sun into power. The electricity is then used to run the layer that makes hydrogen.
  • The layer that makes hydrogen is made up of a network of tubes where a barrier pulls water vapor from the air. The water mist is then turned into hydrogen and oxygen gas with the help of an electrocatalyst. The electricity from the PV layer turns on the electrocatalyst.
  • Gases of hydrogen and oxygen are split apart by a second barrier and put in different places. The hydrogen gas can be stored in tanks or used straight in a fuel cell to make electricity and heat.
  • You can let the oxygen gas out into the air or use it for something else.

Hydrogen solar panels are a new and interesting device that can use sunlight and water vapor to make clean, renewable energy. They are better than regular solar panels in many ways, like being more efficient, cheaper, and lasting longer. But they also face problems, such as safety, supply, and being able to grow.

When will hydrogen solar panels be available in the market?

According to Solhyd , the manufacturer of this solar panel, this solar panel will be introduced in the market for domestic and commercial use by 2026.

Advantages of hydrogen solar panels

  1. Hydrogen is a renewable, eco-friendly energy option. When utilized in a fuel cell, it produces no harmful byproducts such as carbon dioxide.
  2. When there is an abundance of solar energy but not enough to meet demand, hydrogen solar panels can store the excess as hydrogen gas.
  3. These solar panels can make more power per square foot than regular solar panels because they can use both direct and diffuse sunlight.
  4. These solar panels can work even when there isn’t much light or when it’s dark, because they don’t depend on how bright the sun is.

Disadvantages of hydrogen solar panels

  1. These solar panels cost more and are harder to make than regular ones because they need extra parts like electrolyzers, hydrogen tanks, and fuel cells.
  2. Because of the energy lost in splitting water into hydrogen and electricity, hydrogen solar panels aren’t as efficient as conventional ones.
  3. These solar panels provide some safety issues due to the nature of hydrogen as a highly combustible and explosive gas that requires special storage and handling conditions.
  4. hydrogen solar may not be widely available or easy to get because they rely on the cost and availability of hydrogen technology and infrastructure.

Hydrogen solar panels price in India

According to recent sources, these solar panels have not yet been introduced to the consumer market; hence, we will need to wait in order to learn the cost of hydrogen solar panels. It is possible that the price will be significantly higher than that of standard solar panels.

Hydrogen solar panel price in India could be between ₹100,000 to ₹300,000.

Hydrogen solar panels are a type of solar panel that use hydrogen as a fuel to make energy. They are not the same as regular solar panels, which use photovoltaic cells to directly turn sunlight into energy. When compared to regular solar panels, hydrogen solar panels have some pros and cons.

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