Solar Panel

Solar Panel Price in India For Home

Photovoltaic (PV) panels, or solar panels, are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. Multiple solar cells, which are semiconducting devices that generate direct current (DC) electricity when subjected to sunlight, compose these panels. Typically, these solar cells are constructed from silicon.

When sunlight impacts solar panels, photons (light particles) interact with the semiconducting material to generate an electric current. This current can then be captured and used to power electrical devices, residences, and businesses, and in some cases can even be fed back into the grid.

Solar panels are an essential component of solar energy systems and play a vital role in harnessing the sun’s renewable energy. Commonly used to generate clean and sustainable electricity, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and contribute to environmental sustainability by lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar Panel Price in India For Home

Several variables affect the cost of solar panels, including:

Type and Quality

Different solar panel varieties, such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film, vary in terms of efficiency, durability, and performance. Higher-quality, more efficient, and longer-lasting solar panels are typically more expensive.


Efficiency refers to the capacity of a solar panel to convert sunlight into electricity. Higher efficiency panels are typically more expensive, but they can produce more energy in a smaller area, which may be cost-effective in certain circumstances.

Brand and Manufacturer

 Due to their track record of quality and performance, established and reputable solar panel manufacturers often charge a premium price for their products. Less-known brands may offer more affordable prices, but their dependability may be dubious.

Installation Costs

 The cost of installing solar panels can vary based on factors such as labor, permits, and apparatus. Complex installations, such as those requiring roof modifications or ground attachments, can lead to an increase in overall expenses.

Size and Capacity

 The size and wattage (measured in watts) of solar panels have an impact on their cost. Generally, larger panels with greater capacities cost more.

Warranty and Longevity

 Warranty and Durability: Solar panels typically include warranties that guarantee their efficacy and durability. Panels with extended warranties and greater durability may be more expensive initially.

Incentives and Subsidies

 Government incentives, tax credits, reimbursements, and subsidies can have a significant impact on the price of solar panels. These incentives can make solar installations more affordable and differ by region.

Market Demand

Similar to any other product, the demand and supply dynamics of the solar panel market can affect the price of solar panels. In some cases, increased demand can result in higher prices.

Geographical Location

 Geographic Location: Solar irradiance (amount of sunlight) varies by location, which impacts the amount of electricity a solar panel can produce. This can impact the overall profitability of installing solar panels in various regions.

Accessories and Equipment

Accessories and Equipment: Additional components such as inverters, mounting systems, wiring, and monitoring equipment can add to the total price of a solar panel system.

Before making a decision, it is essential to consider these factors when determining the cost of solar panels and to undertake extensive research. Individual circumstances, energy consumption patterns, available incentives, and long-term savings on electricity bills can affect the cost-effectiveness of solar panels.

Types of Solar Panel

Solar panels are classified into various categories, each of which uses a distinct technology to convert sunlight into power. The following are some of the most common types of solar panels:

Monocrystalline solar panels : These are built of a single crystal structure, commonly silicon. They are distinguished by their excellent efficiency and sleek black appearance. Monocrystalline panels perform effectively in small spaces and at high temperatures.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels: These panels are constructed of silicon as well, but the silicon is divided into numerous crystals. They are less efficient than monocrystalline panels in general, although they can be more cost-effective. Polycrystalline panels are often utilized in residential installations and have a blueish colour.

Thin-Film Solar Panels: Thin-film panels are made by depositing thin layers of photovoltaic materials onto a substrate. They can be more flexible and lightweight, making them appropriate for a variety of applications such as building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), which integrates solar panels into the structure of a building.

Bifacial Solar Panels: These panels feature solar cells on both sides and can capture sunlight from both the front and back. They have the ability to generate more energy by reflecting and utilizing sunlight that reaches the ground or surrounding surfaces.

Each form of solar panel has advantages and disadvantages, such as efficiency, cost, aesthetic, and adaptability for various settings. The type of solar panel to use is determined by several criteria, including available space, budget, efficiency needs, and installation conditions.

Polycrystalline Solar Panel Price

The most popular type of solar panel is made of polycrystalline silicon. Multiple pieces of silicon are pressed together to make these screens. Most polycrystalline solar panels look like blue splotches.

A polycrystalline solar panel is about 16%-17% efficient. The best time for these panels to work is when the weather is bad. Polycrystalline panels aren’t as efficient as monocrystalline ones, but they’re cheaper, so many people choose them.

Model/Watt Price (Rs.) Price/Watt
Luminous 40W Solar Panel Rs. 1600 Rs. 40
Luminous 60W Solar Panel Rs. 2400 Rs. 40
Luminous 80W Solar Panel Rs. 2800 Rs. 35
Luminous 105W Solar Panel Rs. 3150 Rs. 30
Luminous 165W Solar Panel Rs. 4950 Rs. 30
Luminous 200W Solar Panel Rs. 6,000 Rs. 30
Luminous 330W Solar Panel Rs. 9240 Rs. 28

Luminous सोलर पैनल की कीमत

Monocrystalline Solar Panel Price

Monocrystalline solar panels are the most popular type of solar panel. These panels have a blackish surface and are produced from a single silicon crystal. Solar cells in monocrystalline panels are more spherical and have their corners trimmed off.

Monocrystalline solar panels typically outperform polycrystalline solar panels in terms of efficiency. Because of the high purity of the solar cells, their efficiency rating is roughly 19%-20%. These are the best solar panels, with the highest purity and efficiency ratings.

 Solar Panel Price
400 KW Solar Panel Price Rs. 13650
445 KW Solar Panel Price Rs. 14850
500 KW Solar Panel Price Rs. 16950
540 KW Solar Panel Price Rs. 17650

Bifacial Solar Panel Price

There are many benefits to using bifacial solar modules instead of conventional solar panels. A bifacial solar panel can double its energy output by collecting sunlight on both sides. Panel counts can be reduced for standard rooftop installations while still meeting power needs thanks to increased efficiency in energy conversion.

Due to the fact that both sides of bi-facial solar PV modules are UV resistant, they tend to last longer. Power output from bifacial modules can increase by as much as 30% when they are mounted on a highly reflecting surface.

Normally, in the market, you will get to see bi-facial solar panels from 35 to 45 rupees per watt.

If you buy a solar panel, you will probably get solar panels at Rs 45 per watt. And if you are installing a much larger solar plant. So the cost of these solar panels is reduced there.

In conclusion

Solar panels are becoming beacons of hope, leading a global movement toward sustainable energy. These are brightening a brighter, cleaner, and more fair future for our globe with their variety, technological advances, and environmental benefits. Solar panels represent our inventiveness, perseverance, and our ability to make positive change as we enter a new energy era. By harnessing solar electricity, we pave the way for clean, sustainable, and infinite energy.

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