Solar System

Off-Grid Solar System for Home Price

Off-Grid Solar System for Home Price

An off-grid solar system is a solar system that you can use anywhere, even in places where there is no electricity connection for miles. Even if there is no electricity grid connection available, you can still utilize an off-grid solar system there.

You do not need any kind of grid connection for this purpose. That’s why this system is called an off-grid solar system. There are many benefits to installing such a grid solar system, which will be explained below.

In this post, you will be provided with complete information about the off-grid system. If you want to install a new off-grid solar system in your home, you will find all the information about how much it might cost and what the prices are for different sizes of solar systems. This information will be provided below.

What is an Off-Grid Solar System?

An off-grid solar system is a system that operates without grid supply. Such systems are referred to as off-grid solar systems. It consists of solar panels, a solar inverter, and solar batteries. Alternatively, it can also include normal inverters, normal batteries, and solar charge controllers along with solar panels.

Both types of systems can be called off-grid solar systems. Below, the prices of both types of off-grid solar systems will be mentioned. A diagram of an off-grid solar system is provided below to help you understand it more easily.

As you can see in the image above, solar panels, solar inverters, and solar batteries are shown, playing a crucial role in this entire system. If you connect your solar inverter to the grid supply, it can charge your battery from both the grid supply and the solar panels. Whatever load you want to run in your home can be powered by either the solar battery or the grid, depending on your preference.

Off-Grid Solar System for Home Price

Before installing a solar system, you need to determine the size of the solar system you require. Let’s discuss the example of a 1-kilowatt solar system here, as most typical homes use solar systems up to 1 kilowatt. If you are interested in knowing the prices for larger systems, a list will be provided below.

Solar Panel Price

Firstly, let’s talk about the cost of 1-kilowatt solar panels. In the market, you can find various types of solar panels, so you need to decide which solar panels to use. We have created a previous post on this topic that you can refer to for more information.

  • 1 kW Polycrystalline Solar Panel Price  = Rs.25,000*
  • 1 kW Monocrystalline Solar Panel Price  = Rs.28,000*
  • 1 kW Half-Cut Monocrystalline Solar Panel Price  = Rs.30,000*
  • 1 kW Bifacial Solar Panel =Price  Rs.45,000*

Solar Inverter Price

Next, let’s discuss the cost of a solar inverter. In the market, you can find various types of inverters as well. We have written a separate post about different types of solar inverters, where you can learn about the different types of inverters available and which ones are suitable for nighttime use. You can view that post through the link provided below.

Best Solar Inverter Price In India For Home

Solar Battery Price

Finally, we will need a battery. Batteries also come in various types and sizes. Different sizes and types of batteries are available in the market, so you should know which battery to purchase. We have created a detailed post about this as well, where you can read and find out which battery would be the right choice for you.

150Ah solar battery Price is approximately Rs.15,000.

So, now you have an idea about the prices of solar inverters, solar panels, and solar batteries. Additionally, you may need to install a stand for the solar panels and require wiring, which could cost you around Rs.5,000. Therefore, the total cost for a 1-kilowatt solar system would be approximately Rs.50,000.

However, if you opt for higher quality solar panels,  price will increase based on your choice. It depends on the type of solar panels you are purchasing. However, you can install a 1-kilowatt solar system for at least ₹50,000.

 Off-Grid Solar System Price

Below, you will find the cost of off-grid solar systems based on different capacities. The list is provided according to the kilowatts of solar system you want to install. By referring to this list, you can estimate the total expenditure for your desired solar system capacity.

Size in Kw Price
1Kw off-grid solar system price in india Rs. 50,000
2Kw off-grid solar system price in india Rs. 120,000
3Kw off-grid solar system price in india Rs. 210,000
5Kw off-grid solar system price in india Rs. 310,000
10Kw off-grid solar system price in india Rs.5,55,000

Above, you have been provided with the prices for different sizes of systems. These are estimated prices that can give you an idea of the cost. Based on these estimates, you can approximate the expenses for installing a 1-kilowatt solar system or a 5-kilowatt solar system, depending on your requirements.

How does an off grid solar system work

An off-grid solar system uses solar panels to gather energy from the sun, stores it in batteries, and then uses an inverter to turn it into power that can be used. In general, this is how it goes:

1. Solar Panels: Solar panels, which are often put on roofs or in open areas, use solar panels to turn sunlight into DC energy.

2. Solar Inverter : In off-grid systems, the flow of energy from the solar panels to the batteries is controlled by a charge controller. It keeps the battery from being overcharged and helps it last as long as possible.

Most homes and machines use alternating current (AC), which is different from the direct current (DC) that is in the batteries. A device called an inverter is used to do this. It turns the DC electricity from the batteries into AC electricity that can be used to power lights, equipment, and other devices.

3. Battery Bank : Keeping the batteries: Batteries store the DC energy that comes from the solar panels. Batteries are an important part of off-grid systems because they store power for times when the sun isn’t out, like at night or when it’s dark.

4. Load  : The AC energy made by the inverter powers the electrical loads in your home. This includes your lights, appliances, electronics, and anything else that is tied to your electrical system.

In short, an off-grid solar system works without the help of the utility grid. It does this by capturing sunlight, storing it in batteries, turning it into AC energy, and using it to power your home’s electrical loads. It lets you make and use electricity in places that are far from the standard power grid or don’t have access to it.

Off grid solar system Advantages & Disadvantages

A solar power system that works without the electric grid is called an “off-grid” system. Solar panels, an inverter, batteries, a charge processor, and sometimes a backup engine make up the system. Compared to grid-tied or mixed systems, off-grid solar systems have some pros and cons. Here are a few examples:


Independence: Off-grid solar devices let you make your own energy and use it without depending on the grid. This means you can avoid power cuts, blackouts, or grid problems that may happen in your area.

Savings: Off-grid solar systems can lower or get rid of your power bills by using free, abundant sunlight as their energy source. You can also avoid paying any fees or charges that the utility company might put on users who are connected to the grid.

Installation:  Off-grid solar systems can be set up in remote or rural places where connection to the grid is either not possible or too expensive. You can also decide how big and where to put your system based on your wants and tastes.

Environment: Off-grid solar systems use clean, natural energy that doesn’t pollute the air or release greenhouse gases. They also cut down on the need for fossil fuels and the damage done by getting them out of the ground and moving them around.


Cost: Off-grid solar systems cost more up front than systems that are connected to the grid because they need more parts, like batteries, charge controls, or engines. Maintenance costs are also higher, and batteries or other parts may need to be replaced more often.

Storage: Off-grid solar systems use batteries to store extra electricity for later use. But batteries have limited storage space and a short life, so they might not be able to keep up with demand when the sun isn’t shining or when people are using a lot of energy.

Efficiency: Off-grid solar systems must carefully handle how much energy they use and how much they make so that they don’t waste energy or run out of it. You may need to change how you live and what you do to match the amount of solar energy you can get and the size of your system.

Impact: Off-grid solar systems still have some effects on the environment because of how the panels and their parts are made, shipped, installed, and thrown away.

Some of the things used to make the screens, like silicon, have a limited supply and could become hard to find or expensive in the future. Some of the things in batteries, like lead or lithium, are poisonous or dangerous and need to be handled in a certain way.

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